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The character V in V for Vendetta (crazy how I’ve already mentioned him twice in two weeks..) says “A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having”.

Amidst all of the turmoil and chaos unfolding in Chile having to do with severe economic injustice and imbalances triggered by a hike in public transportation fares, a ballerina from the Chilean Ballet took to the streets to demonstrate that not all demonstrations have to be contentious to get a point across.

My concept of TemplEarth, and how various forms of creative expression can be used as activism for the social, economic, climate, and political revolutions that are unfolding worldwide, is captured perfectly in these series of photos from Chilean photographer paz.pachy (Instagram).

This photo in particular really nails it. It’s the evolution of the man in Tiananmen Square standing in front of the line of tanks. The artist isn’t just blocking authoritarian progress, she’s literally dancing in the face of injustice and oppression. Bravo hermosa bailarina! Bravo!

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