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Natural Mystery

A dear friend just reminded me of some amazing creativity I contributed to a couple years back, and it made me realize that I never shared this gem here in my own pages. Philadelphia based band Stereo League approached me in the early spring of 2019 asking if I would be game to work with…

The Kora Epic

A pandemic tale for the new year – In March 2020, when it became clear we were hunkering down for the long haul due to the pandemic, I decided to order a kora. I was thinking that it would be an engaging creative way to spend my time, seeing as I was out of work. A kora…

Not Normal

This year with 2020 vision I am thinking about what is normal. When people say “I can’t wait to get back to normal”, I think what they’re really saying is “I’m fantasizing about pre-coronovirus life when I could do anything I wanted without having to think too hard about it.” However, I can’t help but…

A Song A Day…

This might very well be the most terrifying thing I’ve ever done. If you’re reading this, then I’ve committed and can’t postpone or talk myself out of it anymore.   The Short Version ~ I’ve challenged myself to release a piece of music a day for however long I can, starting on March 17, 2020 (also…

Climate Resource Library

In the spirit of eyes wide open, and after months of exhaustive research, scaling the heights and plumbing the depths of climate and ecological related material, I’ve chosen a relative handful of sources and materials that I’ve found to be the most straight forward assessments and clear-eyed interpretations of the available data.

Confronting Climate in 2020

I’ve spent the better part of the last two months delving deep into the rabbit hole of climate literature. This has mostly been prompted by my discovery of some of the most clearly presented and comprehensive analysis of the issue, namely the Deep Adaptation presentations by Dr. Jem Bendell & Dr. Rupert Read, as well…

Tuesday’s Tales v1e3

Tuesday’s Tales! My occasional collection of climate crises inspired ways forward using the arts and creativity to nurture community, awareness, and action. Something that has inspired me recently: I marched with an estimated couple thousand mostly school and college-aged humans this past Friday as part of the coordinated global climate strike.  It was amazing to…

Tuesdays Tales v1e2

Tuesday’s Tales! v1e2 My occasional collection of climate crises inspired ways forward using the arts and creativity to nurture community, awareness, and action. Something that has inspired me recently: I’ve become increasingly aware of more and more communities coming to their senses all around the planet and formally acknowledging the climate crises.  Combined with the…

What Will It Take?

A few months ago I reached out to a fair number of friends and family asking them to video themselves reading a line from a spoken word piece I wrote and then send it back to me. Little did I know that receiving video clips from so many different people would also mean getting almost…

Tuesday’s Tales v1i1

My weekly collection of things on my mind, in my ear, and on my plate. 11.26.19

A Day Older

My father passed away on October 20th, 1991.  I was 21 years old, my brother 18, both of us far too young to really understand the magnitude of him leaving us forever. The older I get the more I miss him every single day. I imagine all of the conversations we would have. Every time…

A Revolution without Dancing…

A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having. Ballerina dances in the streets of Chile during protests.


You’ve heard of depression eating, or anxiety eating, or plain old binge eating.  I’ve realized lately that I’ve been climate-related-existential-angst-eating, and it’s a thing.  C.R.E.A.Eating. The more I am choosing to face our climate reality and just how uncertain it all is, I’ve been witnessing a handful of responses in my general being.  I’m more…

Tales from the Shadow Gallery

In Alan Moore’s “V for Vendetta” the underground lair of the main character is a treasure trove of art, music, and cultural artifacts that he calls the Shadow Gallery, an endless source of inspiration and enrichment that by its very nature threatens the oppressive status quo. I remember being really struck by how awesome that…

World War III

The message is clear, we need to change how we live, or the Earth won’t be fit, do you think our children will forgive? Eleven thousand scientists in 153 countries have declared a climate emergency and warned that “untold human suffering” is unavoidable without huge shifts in the way we live. That needs to be…

The Birth of TemplEarth

The phrase Temple-Earth first came to me in late 2008 while trekking in the Adirondacks of New York. It haunted me and stuck in my mind in a way that few ideas have over the course of my life. I loved the idea of merging the words into one and fusing the concept that a…

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